Monthly newsletters are distributed at the end of every month and available to UUEA church members, friends, and visitors. To be added to the distribution list, please contact us. The deadline for newsletter content is the 15th of every month.
Deep Dives
For those looking for more information or additional references to some of our Sunday service topics, we’ve provided a link to the recordings on YouTube and links to books, articles, or other information related to these topics. Click here for more info
The UUEA Library
The UUEA Library began in 2008 with donations made by several church members of room painting, bookshelves and other furniture, and, of course, our precious books and other media. The first Library Committee consisted of Maggie S, Sue M, Dianna C, the late Ellie B, the late Carol O, Keith O, and Judi G as chair and librarian. The first committee task was to create a collection development policy and a circulation policy which were approved by the church Board of Trustees in the fall of 2008.
How to Take Books Out in the UUEA Church Library
After you have selected the item(s) you would like to take out, please remove the card sticking up from the item.
Fill out a circulation slip from the wooden box labeled “Circulation Box” located next to the Reference Collection on the first bookshelf to the left of the door from the Gathering Room. NB: Please do not write on the card you take from the book.
Paper clip the filled-out circulation slip to the card you removed from the book and place them both in the wooden Circulation Box. The librarian will file these in a secure spot so that our library complies with New York State law requiring that we do not reveal to anyone who has circulated what items from the library. When the items are returned all circulation slips are shredded.
There is a 3-week circulation period, although you may renew the item if there is no one else who wants it.
Whoever signs the item out is responsible for it. If you mislay it, please let the librarian know. We won’t be too hard on you for doing so – well, not TOO hard!
Judi G, Church Librarian