Contact the UUEA
[email protected]
(716) 652-8664
94 Buffalo Road
East Aurora, NY 14052
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There are three places visitors to the UUEA can park. There is limited parking in the driveway to right of the building. This is the closest entrance but has limited accessibility due to the steps required to enter from that side. The main parking lot to the left of the building provides many spots, a smooth walkway and at-grade entrance into the building. If you need assistance navigating the gravel parking lot, let us know and we’ll be happy to help! Additional parking is also usually available at Parkdale Elementary behind the church property. There is a concrete walkway between the parking lot and Buffalo Road. This is not regularly cleared of snow but is frequently traveled and often mostly passable in the winter.
“All religions tell us to be good to each other, and to try to make the world a better place. The problem is, almost all religions add dogma: that is to say, mythology and superstition.What if you replaced the dogma with reason, science, and compassion? That’s Unitarian Universalism. If that sounds like you, check us out.”
Keith Owens